Hello World. Good-bye Dean’s List.

Today I had my first Quantitative Analysis in Political Science Lab class. We were introduced to RStudio, statistical programming software for analysis of just about anything that has a number in it. We were also given short-sleeved white shirts with pocket pen protectors and black glasses. Those in the class who wore glasses were instructed to wear both. It appears the U of MN is grooming POL 3085 to be the next generation of political wonks. I’m in, the pay is $15.00 an hour with the promise of being cynical for the rest of your life.

Keeping the tradition alive.

As we all know, Professor Brian Kernighan (Princeton) invented BCPL back in 1967 (Basic Combined Programming Language) and the first words he typed to start the program was “Hello World.” Tradition is, when you learn a new program, you start programming it with “Hello World.” Naturally I had to do the same thing and although I was reprimanded and relieved of my pocket protecter for not following the script, several of my fellow students offered support by yelling “Okay Boomer, Okay Boomer!”

I’ve now attended all classes with the exception of my Environmental Science Lab. I’m hoping we can make volcanoes with baking soda like I did in 6th grade. It is going to be a challenging semester, I hope I can keep it up, thus my concern that RStudio is going to crush my GPA and no more Dean’s List.

Mrs. Swanbeck, can you read in Heaven?

Now, the good news is I did make the Dean’s List last semester. And I am very happy with the accomplishment. But I’m still looking to make it on to Dean’s List. Dean a ninth year senior, throws the best kegers this side—and the other side—of the Mississippi.

Dean, we will always be in your shadow.

Dean! I’m waiting to hear from you (I have my own red cup). Call me!

More later, Yip Yip.

3 thoughts on “Hello World. Good-bye Dean’s List.

  1. Tom Just a reminder-you still have four years of NCAA eligibility left. If you are considering going out for basketball or wrestling please let me know as the news will start a rush on tickets. I want to get in early.


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